The Baynes Sound/Lambert Channel EcoForum is grateful for the financial and in-kind support of the following organizations:
Comox Valley Regional District * BC Shellfish Growers Association * Islands Trust
Vancouver Island University * Association of Denman Island Marine Stewards*
*The Lush Charity Pot*
Steering Committee:
The EcoForum is guided by the volunteer efforts of Co-Chair Carl Butterworth(manager of the Vancouver Island University Marine Field Station; Co-Chair Chris Pearce, Biologist, DFO; Secretary Dorrie Woodward, Chair of Association of Denman Island Marine Stewards; Treasurer Nico Prins,(Executive Director of BC Shellfish Growers Association); Chief Mike Recalma, Qualicum First Nation; Candace Newman, Councillor, K’omoks First Nation; Connie Graham, Territorial Stewardship Manager, Tla’amin Nation; Sam Borthwick, Islands Trust Trustee, Denman Island; Dr. John Neilson, former Scientist Emeritus, DFO.

Past & Present Members
Islands Trust
Comox Valley Regional District
Regional District of Nanaimo
Mayor, Town of Comox
K’omoks First Nation
Qualicum First Nation
Tla’amin Nation
BC Shellfish Growers Association
Fanny Bay Oysters
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
BC Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship
Association of Denman Island Marine Stewards
Project Watershed
Conservancy Hornby Island
Friends of Baynes Sound
Vancouver Island University
Simon Fraser University
Denman Hornby Canoes and Kayaks
Sea Change Marine Conservation Society
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Herring Conservation and Research Society
World Wildlife Fund
West Coast Environmental Law