What’s New?

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The (first) Annual General Meeting of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel EcoForum is scheduled for Friday August 16, 2024 at 1p.m. It will take place via Zoom. This meeting will include choosing a board of directors – a requirement of the BC Societies Act. Up until now we have had a Steering Committee.

If you plan to attend, please reply to info@bayneslambertecoforum.ca to receive a Zoom link.

Nominations for the board will be accepted until 5pm Wednesday, August 7, 2024. If you wish to stand for election to the board, please email a resume and let us know your area of interest. We welcome your support.

Save the Date!

The next meeting of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel EcoForum is scheduled for Friday, November 14, 2024 at VIU’s Deep Bay Marine Field Station.

Report from the May 2024 Meeting

The spring meeting of the EcoForum marked the fifth anniversary of this unique initiative. It was an energetic gathering with lots of new information shared. Participants agreed that Baynes Sound and Lambert Channel deserve a State of the Sound Report. Read it here to find out more.